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Get Real Estate Comps Online from a Local Realtor in Your Area
When it comes to finding an accurate home value, we at Real Estate Comps Today believe there is no substitute for the knowledge of a local Realtor who is an expert in your area.
That’s why we only use local Realtors to find real estate comps (neighborhood comps of recently sold properties) that are the most comparable to your home in every way for the best possible house value estimate.
It’s the only effective way to find a truly accurate house value. An experienced agent can help you learn things about your house value that instant home value websites like Zillow or Chase Home Value Estimator Tools could never know. Instant home value estimators are often very inaccurate.
When comparing Realtor Comps Analysis vs Home Value Websites, there simply is no comparison. The two are completely different tools for estimating your house value.
When evaluating a property with home comps, Realtors take into consideration many factors that even the best home value estimator tools cannot. Realtors will look at the current trends of the market, recent trends in home sales, the condition of your home compared to neighboring properties, certain features like a pool, a fabulous view or beautiful landscaping, surrounding amenities and so much more . . . Read More
What's Your House REALLY Worth? Read our Blog for expert tips and advice on how to find real estate comps for your house in your area and properly analyze them for the most accurate home value estimate.
Experts agree that determining an accurate property value is THE most important factor in having a profitable transaction.
How you find the fair market value of your home depends on how you plan to use it.
If you’re just wondering what your house is worth for no particular reason, then getting a Basic Comps Report will do just fine.
But if you need real estate comps for a more important reason, like buying, selling, refinancing or remodeling a house, then you may want to consider the most accurate way of finding your home’s value: a CMA.
A CMA is far more detailed than a Basic Comps Report . . . Read More
In today’s economy, more and more first time home buyers are being priced out of the market. The good news is that, although house prices are predicted to continue rising, that rise is starting to slow down, giving new hope to young millennials who had just about given up.
But don’t get too excited yet. Although housing prices aren’t rising as fast as they were, they are still rising in a market where buying a home is already a challenge for many. So it’s best to learn everything you can about how to buy your first home in a market like this . . .
1. Low Cost Curb Appeal.
• Paint the front door and add a new door knob and knocker.
• Paint the garage door and add hardware.
• Powerwash the exterior of your home and give the trim a fresh coat of paint.
• Make your yard pop with mowing, edging, weed pulling and trimming, adding a few new plants, flowers or trees, wood chips or rocks and landscaping lights.
• Powerwash or refinish your driveway.
These inexpensive upgrades to the outside of your home can add thousands of dollars in value simply . . . Read More